Terrey Hills Swim Club

About Us

Terrey Hills Swim Club began in October 2001 with the goal to provide local swimmers with a club to be proud of.Today we believe we have achieved just that. With a large number of members, Terrey Hills Swim Club is kicking goals and having fun doing it. With swimmers of all ages our club offers many different opportunities to many different swimming levels. 

Run by parent volunteers, our club is community based and thrives on seeing not only amazing results at the carnivals we attend but also the wonderful friendship that are formed in squads, races and carnivals. 

For more information on how to join, visit our membership page.As with any club, we could not exist without the support of the families around us and our sponsors. Please take some time to visit our sponsors page and hopefully we can thank them by using their services. Should you wish to enquire about sponsorship opportunities, please contact: [email protected].

Upcoming Events

NBCS Friday Night Races

DATES Friday 20 September Friday 18 October Friday 15 November Friday 20 December


Races are open to anyone currently registered with Terrey Hills Swim School aged 12 and under and from Aqua 5 and above. You don’t have to be a member of a Swim Club to participate. The Friday Night Races run for 4-9 weeks, during each term. We also run specialised Long Distance and Sprint Series programs at other times during the year. Swimmers registered for our Friday Night Races programs should arrive no later than 5:45pm each Friday. To register for the program please visit Reception or email [email protected]. Payment can be made by credit card when booking over the phone. If you are visiting Reception to make a booking your payment can be made by cash, cheque, EFTPOS or credit card.

© 2024 Terrey Hills Swim Club